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Publication Year:1964
Book Title:1964 Journal of Polymer Science Part A General Papers PP 2976-536
Author:C. G. Overberger,G. Smets,H. Mark,H. W. Melville,J. J. Hermans,N. G. Gaylord,R. M. Fuoss,R. S. Stein
Publisher:John Wiley & Sons
Genre:Antiquarian & Collectible,Business, Economics & Industry,Engineering & Technology,Historical,History,Mathematics & Sciences,Physics
May have been paperback publication(s), but now bound together in sturdy library binding. Not a complete set because this book only covers Pages (or Papers) numbers 2976 through 5365. Ex-technical library with usual marks. Minor shelf handling wear to pages and covers, with some foxing primarily on page ends. See pictures for a better idea of content and condition. Partial OCR scan: ISSUE No. 7, JULY R. N. HAWARD, B. WRIGHT, G. R. WILLIAMSON, and G.THACKRAY:Effect of Blending on the Molecular Weight Distribution ofPolymersNOBUYUKI ASHIKARI, TAKAYUKI KANEMITSU, KAZUO YANAGISAWA,KISAKU NAKAGAWA, HIROSHI OKAMOTO, SHÖGO KOBAYASHI, andATSUO NISHIOKA: Copolymerization of Propylene and Styrene .. 3009D. H. DAWES and C. A. WINKLER: Polymerization of Butadiene inthe Presence of Triethylaluminum and n-Butyl Titanate ..L. D. LOAN: Peroxide Crosslinking of Ethylene-Propylene Rubber …R. SALOVEY, D. L. MALM, A. L. BEACH, and J. P. LUONGO: Irradia-tion of Polyethylene Crystals: Gas Evolution Studies.W. R. KRIGBAUM and J. D. WoODs: Thermodynamic Parametersfor Isotactic and Atactic Poly-1-penteneUMBERTO BIANCHI: Temperature Coefficient of Unperturbed Dimen-sions from Solution PropertiesA. CIFERRI: Temperature Coefficient of Unperturbed Polymer Di-mensions from Thermoelastic PropertiesHIDEO SAWADA: Thermochemistry of Polymerization. Part I.Thermochemical Aspeets of Copolymerization.R. D. BURKHART and J. A. FAUCHER: Some Considerations on Non-stationary-State Kinetics of Vinyl Polymerization.JOSEPH GREEN, NATHAN MAYES, and MURRAY S. COHEN: CarboranePolymers. I. PolyestersJOSEPH GREEN, NATHAN MAYES, ANATOLE P. KOTLOBY, and MURRAYS. COHEN: Carborane Polymers. II. Cyclie Polymerie For-malsRAYMOND M. FuosS, IVAL O. SALYER, and HARRY S. WILSON:Evaluation of Rate Constants from Thermogravimetric Data …. 3147 CONTENTS RICHARD H. WILEY and ROLLA M. DYER: Analytical and Prepara-tive Vapor-Phase Chromatographie Separation of Divinylben-zene Mixtures.A. BONDI: Packing Density of Polymer Melts near the Glass Transi-tion Temperature.M. H. GEORGE: Polymerization of Styrene in N,N-Dimethylformam-ide and N.N-DimethylacetamideCARL R. KRUGER and EUGENE G. RocHow: PolyorganosilazanesJ. H. BRADBURY, W. F. FORBES, J. D. LEEDER, and G. W. WEST: Pro-ton Magnetic Resonance Study of Sorptionof Water and Alcoholsby Wool.M. LAZÁR and J. PAVLINEC: Graft Copolymerization with Styreneand Methyl Methacrylate in Very Viscous Medium.JAMES A. BITTLES, A. K. CHAUDHURI, and SIDNEY W. BENSON: Clay-Catalyzed Reactions of Olefins. III. Kineties of Polymeri-3203HARVEY SCOTT, ROBERT E. FROST, ROGER F. BELT, AND D. E.O’REILLY: Stereoregular Diene Polymerization with InorganieCatalysts. I. cis 1,4-Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene with aCobaltous Chloride-Aluminum Chloride Complex.D. E. O’REILLY, CHARLES P. POOLE, JR., ROGER F. BELT, andHARVEY SCOTT: Stereoregular Diene Polymerization withInorganie Catalysts. II. Magnetic Resonance Optical and3257G. LEFEBVRE and F. DAWANS: 1,3-Cyclohexadiene Polymers. PartI. Preparation and Aromatization of Poly-1,3-eyclohexadiene .. 3277F. DAWANS: 1,3-Cyclohexadiene Polymers. Part II. Copoly-merization of 1,3-Cyclohexadiene and Isoprene ….STEFAN POLOWIŃSKI, ELIGIA TURSKA, and JERZY KROH: Investiga-tions on the Radiation-Produced Peroxide of Poly(methylMethacrylate) and Its CopolymersMAURICE MORTON and L. J. FETTERS: Homogeneous AnioniePolymerization. V. Association Phenomena in OrganolithiumPolymerization …RICHARD H. WILEY and PETER JÄGER: y-Irradiation- and Radieal-Initiated Polymerization of N,N-Dimethylethylenesulfonamide .. 3327H. SOBUE, T. URYU, K. MATSUZAKI, and Y. TABATA: Stereoregularityof Polymethacrylonitrile.HIROSHI SOBUE, KEI MATSUZAKI, and SHINTARO NAKANO: Stereo-specific Polymerization of Menthyl Methacrylate.EISHUN TSUCHIDA, CHUNG-NAN SHIH, ISAO SHINOHARA, and SHUKAMBARA: Synthesis of a Polymer Chain Having ConjugatedUnsaturated Bonds by Dehydrohalogenation of Polyhalogen-Containing PolymersNICHIRO TOKURA, MINORU MATSUDA, and KOJI ARAKAWA: Poly-merization in Liquid Sulfur Dioxide. Part XVIII. Poly-zation of Styrene.X-Ray Study of Catalysts Containing Cobalt. xvi K. HAYASHI, H. OcHI, and 8. OKAMURA: Radiation-Induced PostPolymerization of Trioxane in the Solid State.HL G. THIELKE and F. W. BILLMEYER, Jn .: Origins of X-Ray LineBroudening in Polyethylene Single CrystalsLEON SEGAL: Comparison of the Efferts of Allylamine and n-Propyl-amine on CelluloseG. BONERA, A. CHIERICO, and A. RIGAMONTI: Effects of Swelling onProton Relaxation in Vinyl Polymers .: Erratum F. E. BAILEY, JR., R. D. LUNDBERG, and R. W. CALLAND; SomeFactors Affecting the Molecular Associntion of Poly(ethyleueOxide) and Poly(acrylie Acid) in Aqueous Solution (artiele in J.Polymer Sct., A2, 845-851, 1964). ISSUE No. 7, JULY R. N. HAWARD, B. WRIGHT, G. R. WILLIAMSON, and G. THACKRAY:Effeet of Blending on the Molecular Weight Distribution ofPolymers …NOBUTUKI ASHIKARI, TAKATUKI KANEMITSU, KARUO YANAGIBAWA,KIBAKU NAKAGAWA, HIROBHI OKAMOTO, SHOGO KONAYASHI, audATSUO NISHIORA: Copolymerization of Propylene and Styrene., 300D. H. DAWES and C. A. WINKLEn; Polymerization of Butadiene inthe Presence of Triethylaluminum and n-Butyl Titanate.L. D. LOAN: Peroxide Crosslinking of Ethylene-Propylene RubberR. SALOVEY, D. L. MALM, A. L. BEACH, and J. P. LuONGo: Irradin-tion of Polyethylene Crystals: Gas Evolution Studies.W. R. KRIGBAUM and J. D. Woons: Thermodynamic Paramctersfor Isotaetie and Atactic Poly-1-pentene.UMBERTO BIANCHI: Temperature Coefficient of Unperturbed Dimen- CONTENTS sions from Solution PropertiesA. CIFEnR: Temperature Coefficient of Unperturbed Polymer Di-mensions from Thermoelastic PropertiesHIDEO SAWADA: Thermochemistry of Polymerization, Part I.Thermochemical Aspeets of Copolymerigstion.R. D. BURKHART and J. A. FAUCHER: Some Considerations on Non-stationary-State Kinetics of Vinyl Polymerization.JOSEPH GREEN, NATHAN MAYES, and MURRAY S. COUEN: CarboranePolymers. L Polyesters.JOSEPE GREEN, NATHAN MAYES, ANATOLE P. KOTLOBY, and MURNAYS. COHEN: Carborane Polymers. II. Cyelie Polymerie For-mals.RAYMOND M. FuoSS, IVAL O. SALYER, and HARRY S. WILSON:Evaluation of Rate Constants from Thermogravimetrie Data … merization of 1,3-Cyelohexadiene and Isoprene .. MethacryInte) and Its Copolymers.MAURICE Monros and L. J. FETTEnS: Homogeneous Anionie Polymerizntion .. CONTENTS RscHAnD H. WiLuY and ROLLA M. DYER: Anlytical and Prepara-tive Vapor-Phasc Chromatographie Separation of Divinylben-gene Mixtures.A. BONDI: Packing Density of Polymer Melta near the Glaes Tranei-tinn Temperature.M. H. GEOUGE: Polymerization of Styrene in N,N-Dimethylformai-ide and N,N-Dimethylacetamide.CAHL R. KnDogn and EUGKNE G. RocHow: Polyorganosilazanes.J. H. BRADBURY, W. F. Fonnes, J. D. LEEDER, and G. W. WEST: P’ro-ton Magnetie Resonance Study of Sorption of Water and Aleobolsby Wool.M. LazAs and J. PAvLINEC: Graf Cand Methy] Methnerylate in Very Viscous MediumJAMIES A. BITTLES, A. K. CHAUDHURI, and SINEY W. BENSON: Clay-Catalyzed Renctions of Olefins. III. Kineties of Polymeri-zation of Styrene.HARVEY SCOTT, ROBERT E. FRoNT, ROGKE F. BELT, AND D. E.O’REILLY: Stereoregulur Diene Polymerization with InorganieCatalysts. T. cis 1,4-Polymerization of 1,3-Butadiene with aCobaltous Chloride-Aluminum Chluride Complex …D. E. O’RRILLY, CHATLES P, POOLE, JM., ROGER F. BELT, undHARVEY SCOTr: Stereoregulnr Diene Polymerization withInorganic Catalysts. II. Magnetie Resonance Optical andX-Ray Study of Catalysts Containing Cobalt.G. LEFEBVRE and F. DAWANS: 1,3-Cyclohexndiene Polymers. PartI. Preparation and Aromatization of Poly-1,3-eyelohexadiene .. 3277F. DAWANB: 1,3-Cyelohexadiene Polymers. Part II. Copoly-2297STEVAN POLOWIŃSKI, ELIGIA TURSKA, and JEuzY KROH; Investiga-tions on the Radiation-Produced Peroxide of Poly(methyl Polymerization. V. Association Phenomena in Organolithium RICHARD H. WILEY and PETER JAGER: y-Irradiation- and Radical-Initiated Polymerizationof N,N-Dimethylethylenesulfonamide., 3327H. SOBUR, T. URYU, K. MATSUZAKI, and Y.TABATA: Stereoregularityof PolymethacrylonitrileHm08m SOBUE, KE MATSUXAKI, and SHISTARO NAKANO: Stereo-specific Polymerization of Menthyl MethacrylateEIBHUN TAUCHIDA, CHUNG-NAN SHIH, IBAO SHINOHARA, and SIUKAMBARA: Synthesis of a Polymer Chain Having ConjugatedUnsaturated Bonds by Dehydrohalogenation of Polyhalogen-Containing PolymersNICHIRO TOKURA, MINORU MATSUDA, and KoJ AMAKAWA: Poly-merization in Liquid Sulfur Dioxide. Part XVIII. Poly- CONTENTS Book ReviewPolymerizution of Aldehydes and Oxides (Polymer Reviews,Vol. 3), J. FURUKAWA and T. SAEGUSA. Reviewed by ARTHURM. SCHILLER Errata ELIZABETH DYER and RICHARD J. HAMMOND: Thermal Degrada-tion of N-Substituted Polycarbamates (article in J. Polymer Sci.,A2, 1-14, 1964)D. W. BEHNKEN: Estimation of Copolymer Reactivity Ratios: AnExample of Notlinear Estimation (article in J. Polymer Sci., A2,645-668, 1964) 3909 3811 3812 398 4003 4011 4017 1031 3812 Issun No. 9, SEPTEMBER P. H. GEIL: Polymer Deformation.II. Drawing of Polyethylene P. H. GEIL: Polymer Deformation. III.ethylene Single Crystals and Fibers.P. H. GEIL: Polymer Deformation. IV.Polyoxymethylene Crystals.J. K. STILLE and J. R. WILLIAMSON: PolyquinoxalinesMINORU MATSUDA, SUEUMO ABE, and NIICHIRO TOKURA: Polymeri-zation in Liquid Sulfur Dioxide. Part XIX. Effects of Anilineand Its Derivatives on the Radical Polymerization of Acrylo-nitrile in Liquid Sulfur DioxideHERBERT N. FRIEDLANDER: Influence of Catalyst Depletion orDeactivation on Polymerization Kinetica.G. C. ROBINSON: Polymerization of Carhon-Nitrogen Double Bondin CarbodiimidesEDMUND F. JORDAN, JR., and ARTHUR N. WRIGLEY: Homopoly-merization of N-Allylaretamide and N-AllylstearamideJ. L. LUNDBERG: Diffusivities and Solubilities of Methane in LinearPolyethylene MeltsH. SPEDDING and J. O. WARWICKER: Effect of Chemical Reagents onthe Fine Structure of Cellulose, Part I. Action of Diazo-methaneN. G. McCrum: Inadequacies in Time-Temperature Equivalence ..R. C. MEHROTRA and V.S. GUPTA: Studies in Condensed Phosphates.Part VI. Paper Chromatographic Studies of Condensed Phos-phates. .R. C. MEHROTRA and V.S. GUPTA: Studies in Condensed Phospates.Part VII. Metachromatie Reactions of Sodium Polymetaphos-phate and Its Derivatives.N. G. GAYLORD and I. KÖSSLER, M. STOLKA, and J. VODEHNAL:Cyelo- and Cyclized Diene Polymers. I. Polymerization of Single Crystals. Annealing of Drawn Poly- Drawing of Nylon 6 and CONTENTS Conjugated Dienes to Ladder Cyclo-polymers with ComplexCatalysts ..M. STOLKA, J. VODEHNAL, and I. KOesLER: Cyelo- and CyclizedDiene Polymers. II. Infrared Study of the Cyclization of cis-1,4, (rana-1,4 and 3,4-Polyisoprenes.H. KAMMERER and M. HARRIS: A Contribution to the Preparationof Phenolic Polynuclear Compounds with Sulfonyl Bridges ..JAMES B. GANCI and FREDERICK A. BETTELHRIM: Polymerization ofChlorinated DiphenyIsiloxanes ..J. H. GOLDEN and E. A, HAZELL: Degradation of Poly-3,3-bis(chloro-methyl)-oxaeyclobutane (Penton)A. H. FRAZER: Thermal Stability of the Copolymer of Sulfur Dioxideand cis, cis-1,5-Cyclooctadiene,R. VAN LREMPUT and R. STEIN: Experimental Date on Dilute Poly-mer Solutions. Hydrodynamie Properties and Statistical CoilDimensions of Poly(n-butyl Methacrylate). Part IIH. A. ENDE and V. STANNETT: Density Gradient Centrifugation of aGraft Copolymer.H. A. ENDE and J. J. HERMANS: Analysis of Copolymers by Means ofDensity Gradient Centrifugation. II. Comparison with Ki-netie RequirementsW. BANKS, A. BHARPLES, and J. N. HAY: The Effeet of Simul-tanebualy Oecurring Processes on the Course of Polymer Crystal-lization ….J. P. BERRY: Fracture Processes in Polymerie Materials. V. De- pendence of the Ultimate Properties of Poly(methyl Methaeryl-ate) on Molecular WeightYONEHO TABATA, KIYOSHI HARA, and HIROSHI SOBUE: Radiation-Induced Polymerization of Acrylonitrile in Liquid EthyleneH. R. ALLCOCK: X-Ray-Indueed Polymerization of Diphenylvinyl-phosphine Oxide.PETER HEDVIG: Radiation-Induced Electrical Conductivities inPolyamide Copolymers ..JOSEPH PELLON, ROBERT L. KUGEL, RUTH MARCUS, and ROBERTRABINOWITZ: Free Radical Polymerization and Copolymeriza-tion of Bicyelo-(2.2.1)-hepta(2.5)-diene (Norbornadiene) …C. G. OVERBERGER, F. S. DIACHKOVSKY, and P. A. JAROVITZKY:Kinetie Study of the Polymerization of a-d-Styrene and/or Sty-rene by Homogeneous Catalysis. Part IJOSEPH V. KOLESKE and SHELDON F. KURATH: Configuration andHydrodynamie Properties of Fully Acetylated GuaranO. C. DERMER and W. A. AMES: Kineties of Ring-Seission Copoly-merization ..ROGER P. KAMBOUR: Refractive Indices and Compositions of Crazesin Several Glassy Polymers.
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